UK Rail project films

HSUK is a challenger bid to the HS2 project. The client brief was to create a long-form promotional video to be used to support the bid and explain the design to stakeholders including Press and Government.

The initial creative task was to take a loose brief and derive a cohesive concept for the video, one which would not entail extended shooting or high-cost post-production. This contrasts with the HS2 explainer videos which have been painstakingly created at huge budget. From this we worked with the client to plan key points to draw out, interview participants, and required graphics.

Over a number of weeks the elements – on-location interviews, branding, informational graphics, flexible digital 3D map – came together into a 30-minute edit. This was revised as other elements of the PR campaign evolved, necessitating supplementary shooting and graphics.

From this, a 3-minute web edit was produced to coincide with the launch of the project website.

Every step of the way, we advised on storyboard, which bid elements needed to be further drawn out in the narrative, potential logistical filming issues, how to integrate graphics to help tell the story – a very value-added engagement.


Please see further videos on our Vimeo channel.

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