Video Content Marketing
There is absolutely no doubting the rise and rise of content marketing, companies of all sizes are reaching new, larger audiences with their products and services and luckily, we know a bit about it. For the avoidance of doubt, here’s what we mean by content marketing…
The creation and appropriate distribution of online material, including blogs, social media posts, and the reason you’re here – video.
Video content can take many forms and there is no ‘one-size fits all’ approach. We have created videos featuring footage from events, conferences, presentations and even sales meetings. Talking head videos can be particularly useful and we have had cases where a client has asked us to film 25 short pieces in a single day. Not a problem – and very cost-effective into the bargain.
Whatever style you choose, content is king. Production values and delivery may differ but the one thing that we must ensure is compelling viewing. Now, there are many ways of ensuring this, we can advise on styles and scripts, we have autocue available to take the pain out of remembering lines. We can even guide your subject matter by telling you what will perform well on a Google search. We’ve got the results to prove it.
After all, content marketing is marketing. The clue is in the name. Marketing is designed to drive awareness. So it needs to work.
A real point of difference in our offering is that we not only recognise the power of YouTube but work hard to make it work for our clients. After all, if nobody is going to watch your video, why make it? Of course there are the traditional elements of key-wording and hyper-linking to consider but there is more to the effective use of this most powerful medium than you will get from a ‘top 5 tips’ article. There’s nuance and subtlety, experience and we’ll say it again, hard work to consider as well. Our ‘numbers’ stack up and they are traceable, uncomplicated and completely unambiguous, we deliver more YouTube viewers than other video producers – in fact over 4 million and counting.
Talk to us.