Commercial laundry promo

The brief from this client was not only to produce a corporate laundry promo video that highlighted a specific part of their operation, but which was then well optimised on YouTube so as to deliver maximum SEO benefit.

We have delivered. As well as a video that was very well received, the run rate on Views on YouTube is 5 times their previous business video. This doesn’t happen by accident.

The difference is achieved by keeping the video length manageable, the script tight and focussed on benefits and USP, and the visuals illustrative.

This was followed up by liaising with the web designer to get the right keywords and then implementing them on YouTube and leveraging Playlists as well.

As a result, Empire Laundry are a very satisfied client. So much so that they invited us back a year later to update the video.


Please see further videos on ourĀ Vimeo channel.

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