ICT Client case study

It’s always a bonus to be filming in an environment which offers an opportunity to indulge ones passions or interests, so when we were asked to shoot a case study at motoring specialists Prodrive, I looked forward to seeing some interesting cars.
The interview was a 2-camera shoot, with everyone assisting to draw out the most insightful and flowing answers. We then toured the facility, shooting B-roll amongst the iconic race cars and bespoke Aston Martins.
The first edit stage in a project such as this is to send all the interview footage to the project leader, in this case a marketing consultant. This video file is time-stamped, which allow the best sections to be easily identified – often we are cutting 30+ minutes of footage down into a 5 minute video, or a series of shorter videos.
I then take these nominated sections and cut into a draft edit – it is hard to imagine exactly what the 5 minute edit will look like initially, when it is being re-ordered and joined together to form a narrative. This draft then goes back to the client.
Minor amendments may take place to the fundamental flow of the video, to either remove duplications or sometimes add back initially discarded material.
As the Q&A approach used is one in which the questions are not needed to be seen or heard in the final video, this helps keep running times as economical as possible. That said, as this is not a headline ‘sales’ based video, running times are not as crucial – what is important is the story and insight.
When the narrative is locked, B-roll and graphics are added. As always, we seek high resolution original brand artwork, and set all captions in client preferred font.


Please see further videos on ourĀ Vimeo channel.

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